Canadian Digital Transformation Project
The "Boost Your Business Technology" subsidy program aims to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada adopt new technologies to enhance their competitiveness in the market.
"Boost Your Business Technology" provides various forms of assistance to businesses, such as building online influence, increasing traffic/sales on e-commerce platforms, or enhancing enterprises' digital operational processes. This subsidy is specifically created to help Canadian businesses improve their market competitiveness.

The Canadian Digital Transformation Project (CDAP) can help your business extend its online presence, enhance your e-commerce platform's influence, or assist in achieving digital operations. CDAP provides funding and support to businesses while offering young Canadians training and job opportunities.
Benefits of Applying for CDAP
Qualified businesses can obtain the following benefits through the "Boost Your Business Technology" subsidy program:

Subsidy Funds
Eligible for up to a maximum of 90% coverage of digital advisory service fees, with a subsidy cap of $15,000 CAD for each small and medium-sized enterprise.

Interest-Free Loan
Access to an interest-free loan of up to $100,000 CAD from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), intended to introduce new technologies into the company.

Wage Subsidy
Businesses can receive a maximum wage subsidy of $7,300 CAD, facilitating hiring a young employee to support the implementation of the digital transformation plan.
CDAP Application Requirements
Only business owners or directors (whose names are on the company's registration certificate) are eligible to fill out the application form. If your name is not on the company's registration certificate, the system will automatically reject your application.

Businesses that meet the eligibility criteria can use this subsidy to pay for the consulting fees of digital marketing advisors, with a maximum amount of $15,000 CAD. Additionally, they can apply for an interest-free loan of up to $100,000 CAD, which can be used to purchase and implement new technologies. Before applying, your business must meet all specific eligibility requirements:
1. The business owner is a sole proprietor who is a Canadian resident or a business registered under Canadian or provincial/territorial law.
2. A privately owned for-profit enterprise.
3. Has 1-499 full-time employees.
4. In the past three tax years, the company's revenue reached at least $500,000 CAD for one year but did not exceed $100 million CAD.
✓ 亮点:加拿大政府担保贷款的75%,在业务失败时保护个人信用和资产。
✓ 还款:灵活还款,无罚款,利息可税前扣除。摊还期长达15年。
✓ 贷款利率:优惠利率加3%,外加2%的政府注册费。
✓ 广泛的行业覆盖:该计划适用于绝大多数行业(农场除外)。
✓ 获取资金:创业贷款提供高达100万加元用于购买商业地产。创业贷款提供高达50万加元用于购买企业和租赁物业。较长的运营历史(已有至少一年税务记录)的企业可以提高批准机会。
✓ 创业贷款:专门用于覆盖翻新、设备、商用车辆和办公家具等费用。
Apply Now
Only business owners or executives (whose names are on the company's registration certificate) can fill out the application form. If your name is not on the company's registration certificate, the system will automatically reject your application.